Engage in productive discussions & collaborative planning at Career College India's Parent-Teacher Meet, a supportive environment for student success.

Parent Teacher Meet (PTM)

Parent Teacher Meet (PTM) Was Organized In The Premises Of Career College

A Parent-Teacher Meet (PTM) was organized in the premises of Career College on 1st February 2020 for the parents to come and interact with the faculty of the college. The faculty members of all the departments- Commerce & Management, Life Science, Computer Science, Para-Medical Science, and Career College of Law were seated in the auditorium department-wise. The college had also organized a free Health Check-up for the parents/guardians in which blood sugar, BP, BMI were monitored to know their fitness level and overall wellbeing. This PTM aimed to discuss the academic progress of the students and any problems that the parents or their wards are facing and find an amicable solution to their grievances. We received a good response from the parents as they turned out in large numbers. The suggestions given by the parents in the feedback form will be taken into consideration and follow-up will be done.

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