Career College Bhopal


Dr. Neetu Sharma

An experienced and versatile teacher, Dr. Neetu Sharma obtained her doctorate degree in 2010 from Barkatullah University, Bhopal. She did M.B.A. from Shri Satya Sai College for Management from Sehore. She has 21 years of teaching and 16 years of research experience holds an excellent academic and research record. Dr. Sharma has extensively presented/participated in more than 21 national and international conferences/seminars/webinars. She has been a resource person, invited speaker for national and international events of repute. She is the editor of an International Journal, CIJSSL (Career International Journal of Social Science and Law. Book Publication: written more than 9 books on different subjects in Commerce, 03 books are as per New Education Policy 2020: Business Law, Business organization and Communication, Retail management, Banking and Insurance, Public Finance, Principles of Management, Advertising and Sales Promotion, Travel and Tourism Management, and Tourism Management; Research Paper Publication: There are more than 52 highly impacted research papers in journals of repute; most of those are peer-reviewed, indexed UGC-notified Journals.

Dr. Deepali Behere

Dr. Deepali Behere has been into teaching for the past 30 years . She has done her M. Phil. and Economics from the Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya Bhopal in 1997 Her specializtion in Applied Economics, Banking ,Statistical Analysis, Public Finance. Has the potential to mentor and nurture UG and PG level students in the area of Economics. ICSI, Bhopal Chapter, M.P awarded �Teacher Felicitation Award, 2020�. An external member in different institutions like Bhopal School of Social Sciences,Sri Satya College for Woman, B.H.E.L, Bhopal, AISECT University and M.L.B. College, Bhopal. She has published and presented more than 22 Research papers in national and international journals and 3 chapters in book to her acclaim. Attended More than 42 national and International Seminars, webinar and Conferences, which has really enriched her ability as an effective mentor and guide.

Ms. Namrata Ganguly
Assistant Professor

M. Com, B.Ed., M.Phil., MBA(Marketing), Ph.D. (Pursuing): Namrata Ganguly is associated to Career College, Bhopal since past 15 years. Herarea of expertise is Marketing. Ms. Ganguly has dynamic working potential.She has strong potential and command to influence the students academically. Her sincere work temperament has always been beneficial for the institute.Ms. Namrata has worked as moderator in many national and international seminars and conferences.She has completed her Masters and Master of Philosophy. Ms. Ganguly did her Master in Business Administration in Marketing from VNS College, Bhopal and is currently pursuing her Doctoral Degree formRNTU, Bhopal.She has also presented papers at numerous national and international conferences.Ms. Namrata has numerous publications in both national and international journals.

Mr. Shailesh Jain
Assistant Professor(M.Com.,Ph.D.(Pursuing) )

A responsible, devoted and experienced faculty of the department of Commerce and management , Career College, Bhopal . He has the experience of 22 years in teaching .Currently he is serving as an assistant professor with good academic profile and showing her best in research through Participation in 21 different International and National Conferences /Seminars / Webinars /FDPs and giving his best in teaching to prove the curriculum objectives. Proficient in teaching curriculum in Financial Accounting, Corporate Accounting, Management Accounting, Income Tax, GST and Custom Duty, Tax Planning and Management, Advanced Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, E-Accounting, taxation with GST and other different Accounting and Taxation subjects for the best of the students.

Dr. Deepika Shrivastava
Assistant Professor

A responsible, devoted and experienced faculty of the department of Commerce and Management, Career College, Bhopal. Dr. Deepika obtained her doctorate degree in 2021 from RNTU , Bhopal. She is MBA M.Com. and has the experience of 14 years in teaching . Currently she is serving as an assistant professor with good academic profile and showing her best in research through Participation in 25 different International and National Conferences /Seminars / Webinars /FDPs and giving her best in teaching to prove the curriculum objectives. Proficient in teaching curriculum in Communication Skills, Business Organisation and Communication, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management, Business Law, and other different management subjects for the best of the students. Written more than 6 Chapters in Books and published 15 research papers in highly impacted peer reviewed, indexed and UGC listed. She is also received �Teacher Felicitation Award, 2022�by ICSI, Bhopal Chapter, M.P.

Dr. Rakhi Saxena
Asst. Professor

Dr. Rakhi Saxena, a dedicated and experienced College faculty with over 14 years of teaching and 10 years of research, experience presently serving as assistant professor in the Commerce and Management Department of Career College, Bhopal. An excellent academic researcher, who showcased her research in more than 35 national and international conferences/seminars/webinars. Proficient in creating powerful curriculum and e content in the fields of Financial Accounting, Cost and Management Accounting, Statistics, Income Tax, GST & customs Duty, and Advanced Financial Accounts. Adept at working with students to successfully prepare them for personal and professional success in today�s world. A committed faculty member, passionate about working to further enhance the educational offerings of an institution. Published more than 20 highly impacted research papers in journal and 06 chapter in books in repute most of those are peer reviewed, indexed UGC notified Journals

Dr. Priyanka Kurup Nair
Asst. Prof.(Ph.D. (Management), M.B.A. (HR), B. Com)

Dr. Priyanka Kurup Nair joined the Department of Commerce &Management as Assistant Professor in January 2012 with over 10 years of experience teaching at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.Dr. Priyanka is passionate about nurturing young minds. Her key specialisation isHuman Resource Management. Her teaching interests includes Principles of Management, Organisational Behaviour, Marketing Management.Her academic qualification includesMBA (HR), She has done her graduation from The Bhopal School of Social Sciences. She has earned her Doctorate in the area of Management from Barkatullah University, Bhopal on the topic �A Study on Human Resource Development Practices in Insurance Sector and its impact on Organisational Climate in the year (2018). She is registered research guide in management stream approved by Barkatullah University, Bhopal (2021). She has published nine research papers in journals of national and international repute and two chapters in edited books.

Mr. Rajneesh Tiwari
Assistant Professor

Rajneesh Tiwari, Assistant Professor (Commerce and Management), M.Com., P.G.D.B.M. and Persuing Ph.D. (Commerce) from R.N.T.U. Bhopal M.P . 11 years and above experience in an institution. No. of Papers published in a reputed journal (08) and also 02 chapters published in a books. Participated and Presented a Papers in many Conferences/Seminars achieved many award and certificates such as : ICSI (Bhopal Chapter) 2022, American India Foundation DELL Technologies 2022, Received Appreciation Certificate as a Trainer, 2022, Two time invited as a Inviting Speaker in All India Radio (Prasar Bharti, Bhopal) 2018. Academic Counselor and Staff Member in IGNOU, New Delhi. Appointed Assisted in Student election committee 2016. Co-Investigator in Adarsh Pvt. Ltd. Project Work in 2016-2017. Received Appreciation Certificated (FDP) 2022. College Topper Award in B. Com 2002. M.P. State Level 1st Rank topper (ITI Technical Education) in 2005. II Rank Holder all India Level ITI Topper technical examination in Mumbai from 2005. N.C.C. Lal Pared Award 2022.

Mr. Devesh Kumar Mathur
Assistant Professor ( Account & Tax)

Mr. Devesh Kumar Mathur is an Assistant Professor ( Account & Tax) in Department of Commerce & Management since July,2014. He also worked as a Guest Faculty in Sheheed Bhagat Singh, Government Degree College, Ashta From 2002-03 to 2013-14 12. He completed his masters in account group from Chandrashekhar Azad,Government P.G. College Sehore. Mr. Mathur is pursuing Ph.D.from Barkatullah University,Bhopal. He has presented 9 research paper in various National and International Seminars/Webinars. Presently is also working as a placement In charge and co-head SSRU cell. He is honored by Best Guide award for youth festival on 8th Oct.2010 by Principal, Sheheed Bhagat Singh, Government Degree College ,Ashta. Mr.Mathur cracked MPPSC preliminary examination 2003, Madhya Pradesh Samvida Shala Shikshak Varg -1 Patrata Pariksha 2005 & NVS PGT written exam 2016. He has delivered invited lecture On � NAAC Valuation� at Government College,Shahganj,Dis.-Sehore,under instructions of Project Directorate, Rashtriya Ucchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA),Department of Higher Education, Madhya Pradesh on 18th September 2019. He also worked as Assistant Superintendent in annual and semester examination, Coordinator in Youth festival,Cultural activities, Red Ribbon Club, Youth Red Cross, Programme officer of National Service Scheme, Programme in-charge of National Science Day sponsored by M.P. Council of Science and Technology, M.P.,Bhopal, Editor of College news letter SHIKSH-KALP, Coordinator for preparation of various financial projects, Member of organizing committee of State Level seminar, National Level Seminar, Question Bank Workshop.

Dr. Shilpi Shrivastava
Asst. Professor

Dr. Shilpi Shrivastava: Dedicated, resourceful and goal-driven professional educator having 8 years of teaching experience. Awarded Ph.D. degree in the field of Commerce in 2018. Presently serving as an Asst. Professor in the Dept. of Commerce and Management and also pursue the position of Placement In-charge in Training and Placement Cell, Career College, Bhopal. Presented more than 7 papers in various National and International seminars, attended more than 25 seminars, webinars and workshops Published 2 highly impacted research papers in reputed Journal both are peer reviewed, indexed UGC notified Journals, a chapter in edited book. Efficiently guided UG and PG students through their project work. Motivated students to come up with innovative ideas.

Yogita Singh Jadon
Asst. Professor

Lecturer and Assistant Professor with 10+ years of experience teaching courses in both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Published over 6 articles in peer-reviewed journals. University Topper in MBA-Finance. Worked as a Committee member for BRITISH COUNCIL (ISA) certification, collaborative activities with foreign countries. Using Knowledge of various facets of teaching & commitment to enhance the quality standards of academic programs by utilizing latest technology, research & learning methods to assure students� success, confident to provide leadership & guidance to students. Published more than 5 National and International research papers and 1 chapter in edited book. Zeal and passion to enhance the academic offerings and committed towards the task assigned.

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