Career College Bhopal

World Breastfeeding Week

“World Breast Feeding Week” is an annual celebration which is being held every year from 1st to 7th Aug. in more than 120 countries. Theme for the year 2019 was “Empower parents, enable Breast Feeding” Students and faculty members of Career College explained to the mothers and grandmothers of children that breastfeeding promotes better health for mothers and children alike. The cell members tried to promote the importance of family-friendly policies to encourage Breast feeding and help parents nurture a bond with their children in early life, when it matters most. Mothers also need access to a parent friendly workplace to protect and support their ability to continue breastfeeding upon return to work by having access to breastfeeding breaks. It a safe, private, and hygienic space for expressing and storing breast milk; and affordable childcare. Approx. 24 students of Career College participated in this noble cause.


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