Career College Bhopal


Industrial Visit (Virtual) (Central Silk Board Dept. of Sericulture Malakhedi Hoshangabad)19-01-2022

  • These visits provide the students with an opportunity to learn practically through interaction,working methods and employment practices
  • Making our students globally relevant is the need of the hour and together with academics we make sure that our students understand the professional world, for this every year we organize educational and industrial visits at regular intervals.
  • Department of Commerce and Management organized a Industrial Visit (Virtual) for UG and PG students in Central Silk Board Dept. of Sericulture Malakhedi Hoshangabad on 19th Jan. 2022. Mr. A.G.K. Deniel, Scientist Central Silk Board, Bhopal, Mr. S.S. Chichm, Field Officer, Central Silk Board, Bhopal and Mrs. Sarita Solanki, Assitant Grade 3, Central Silk Board, were provided proper guidance of Sericulture sector and working process of Central Silk Board at various level of production to marketing

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